Around the Web: Bookshops and Crime
Welcome back readers! We’re coming up on a long weekend here in Canada, and I am hoping to gets lots of reading in. If you’re in the same boat, here are a few things we found around the web this week to get you started.
Fictional Bookshops
It’s independent bookshop week in the UK and Ireland. To celebrate, The Guardian shared a quiz on fictional bookstores. Try your hand at answering the questions, and share your results with us in the comments. Speaking of bookstores…

Hamilton Gets a New Indie Bookstore
Quill and Quire shared that Hamilton is getting its own specialty bookstore soon. The new store will be called King W. Books and will focus on books art, design, and local titles. Read more about the store, and if you’re in Hamilton, think about starting to save up because it sounds like they’ll have some good titles available when they open in September.
Murder and Writing
Advice for writers, or for serial killers? With advice like “kill your darlings” it’s easy to see how they might be mixed up. For more writing advice that could be misinterpreted, check out this Quirk Books list. A Look At The Dead Girl Trope
For a more serious note, let’s turn to the Paris Review. Writer Emma Copley Eisenberg examines the popularity and problematic nature of stories featuring dead or missing women and girls. Such stories have captured the attention of wide audiences through television, novels, and podcasts in both fiction and non-fiction. Eisenberg looks at this trope and asks whether dead girl stories can be feminist. It’s definitely worth a read if you’re interested in pop culture.

That’s it for today folks. Enjoy the weekend everyone! To our Canadian readers, happy Canada Day, and happy Fourth of July in advance to our American friends!
And if you read any interesting things around the web this week, be sure to share in the comments!