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Around the Web: Reading Apps, Writing Quotes, a Whale Tale, Video Games, and To Kill a Mockingbird

Hello again, all! This week the internet’s been abuzz with election news, and while it’s important to be informed, it’s always nice to fall back on some more casual reading. And I’ve got you covered on that front. Here’s what we’ve been reading Around the Web this week.

Reading Apps

Book Riot collected a list of apps to keep you reading wherever you are. If you haven’t tried reading on a mobile device, you should know it’s a great way to get more reading in when you’re on the go. And, some apps are free and give you opportunities to find new authors and preview new releases for free!

Hands holding a phone

Writers on Writing

Here’s a post fitting for the end of the first full week of NaNoWriMo (hope you writers are still hanging in there!). The Savvy Reader has collected their favourite quotations about writing. If you’re in need of a little inspiration, motivation, or just a laugh, check it out.

A Whale Tale

The Atavist recently published Doug Bock Clark’s account of an Indonesia tribe taking on their own Moby Dick called “The Whaler’s Odyssey.” It is fascinating and full of action, and I highly recommend it (and I didn’t even like Moby Dick).

A whale's tail

Video Games and Fiction

Any Pokémon fans out there? Jeremy Klemin compares video games and fiction in The New York Times, asking what Pokémon (and video games in general) can teach us about writing fiction.

Should We Keep Teaching To Kill a Mockingbird?

Harper Lee’s classic novel To Kill a Mockingbird was recently named America’s favourite read after a PBS vote. While TKAM is beloved by many, the results of this vote has some wondering if it should still be on school reading lists. Writer Uzma Jalaluddin discusses the problems with continually teaching the same (white) books in the Toronto Star, and even if you love TKAM, it’s worth reading this perspective.

To Kill a Mockingbird

That's it for now, folks. Until next week!

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