Around the Web: Writing Habits, Book Clubs, and Books
Hello everyone! We’re back again to share some links from Around the Web. Check them out and share what you’ve been reading this week in the comments.
Writing Habits
Some rules are made to be broken, especially writing rules. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be aware of them. At least then you’re knowingly breaking them, right? Submittable has a list of ten writing habits to avoid that’s worth taking a look at. They might just give you some ideas for improving your own writing.

Online Book Clubs
As someone who’s missed book club because taking the thirty minute bus ride just seemed like too much, I can appreciate a good online book club. If you haven’t found a group of similarly inclined readers to meet with IRL, or can’t make it to any place that holds regular book club meetings, consider going virtual with this list of Goodreads book clubs.
Classics Book Quiz
Here’s a fun activity! Test your bookworm knowledge with this book character quiz from BuzzFeed.

Books in Translation
When was the last time you read a book in translation? Gabriella Page-Fort, Editorial Director of AmazonCrossing, contemplates why Americans read so few books in translation for Lit Hub. Page-Fort argues that some European countries have embraced translated books and that we’re missing out if we don’t look beyond our own borders for our literary entertainment. Read the article and you might just be convinced to head to the book store.
Flipback Books
When you picture a book, you probably imagine a traditional paperback or hardcover: portrait orientation, spine on the left. Well, a new format is coming to North America: mini books that aren’t just small, they’re also horizontal with pages that flip up. These mini-books are already printed in the Netherlands where they’re called Flipbacks or Dwarsliggers. Read more about this interesting new format in the Washington Post and let us know if you’d ever buy a Flipback book in the comments.

That’s it for now, friends. See you next week.