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MOM Lives!!!

You know, no big deal. It's just another average Wednesday. The weather is fine, spring buds are tasty, Bambi has fleas again... oh, and TODAY IS MOM'S RELEASE DAY!!!

For the next three days, Collin and MOM will be making 28 stops at various blogs and things. Some will just be spotlights, but there are also some interviews (always thought provoking when it comes to Collin), and some are reviews. If you're looking for something to do to procrastinate at work, you should read them!

We will also be keeping the pre-sale sale price in effect for the duration of the tour, which ends on Friday, April 7th. On April 8th, the price will be bumped to it's fleshy $4.99 as MOM settles into her sea legs. We hope that if you haven't already purchased the book but want to, you will consider buying it directly from us, where all the money earned will go directly to Collin and the herd so he can write more and we can publish more awesome books.

Thank you for sticking by during this exciting time for us. We can't wait until you read MOM and (hopefully!) leave us some feedback. Book two from the series, Genesis 2.0, is set to release in October. Not too long to wait, my pets! Watch this space and Genesis 2.0's page for details as the time draws nearer.

Until then, butts to the wind!

(PS, we have some MORE exciting news coming up---CDP officially turns one on May 1st! Posts about looking back and looking ahead and some celebratory giveaways coming soon!)

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